
Life in 3D


So during a Bible study at my church, LBCC, Ray Ciervo introduced us to the movie The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. This video is amazing to say the least, especially if you’re into science and physics and fun stuff like that, and there is a 3D component to it. So my dad went out and bought everyone 3D glasses so we could all watch it…haha, who ever had this much fun at a Bible study?!

Mom and Dad 🙂

About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

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