
Joe and Christina {One Year Anniversary} / Holmdel Park, New Jersey Wedding Photographer


I always say that I love photographing people that I know, and I’ve known Joe since about birth. So when they came to ask me to shoot their One Year Anniversary session, I was more than thrilled to do so. We went to Holmdel Park at the perfect time of day and found some of the most amazing light that I’ve seen in a while! We were even lucky enough to sneak our way into the fenced off corn stalks and get some fun shots there as well. Thanks guys for being so adventurous with me!


Gallery: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/13988644_fVxbf#1028651447_LC7hh

About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

Let’s Capture Your Unique Love Story