
Project Unbreakable


I don’t normally have such a serious topic on my blog, but when I saw this film, which is an artistic masterpiece to say the least, and knowing just how many people will be incredibly blessed by it, I couldn’t help but to share it.

This is an AMAZING and powerful film by Nino Gallego of Nino Gallego Photography introducing Grace Brown’s incredible project that has taken flight and affected so many people. Take a look and click here to help Project Unbreakable to make a difference: http://igg.me/p/66136?a=385209



About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

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