
Are You Brave Enough to Ask and Pay It Forward?

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Every day we wake up and have to think about all the things that we need to do for ourselves. There’s work, and house cleaning, kids and laundry (omgosh…I hate laundry…bane of my existence…but I digress). We have so much to do it’s hard to think about adding anything else to the plate.

The interesting part is that if you ask most people about their priorities in life, they’ll say that family, church and/or friends are all at the top of their list and work is towards the bottom. How many of us actually live the way that we want to in our minds? How often do we wake up and make a fabulous breakfast for our husbands, or give that girlfriend of ours the coffee talk they’ve been needing, or even remember to smile at everyone you see today? Rarely, and we’d like it to be more often.

So let’s give it a try! Copy and paste this brave question around your social circles and see if you can pay it forward today and rearrange some of the priorities in your life. 🙂


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About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

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