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Wedding Tips




Should You Hire a Wedding Planner? Here’s What To Consider

February 28, 2023

Over the course of my 25-year photographic journey, I have learned a few things about wedding planning. One of the most critical lessons I have picked up is that wedding planning decisions are never easy. For example, should you hire a professional wedding planner or do all of it on your own?

natirar wedding ceremony wedding with a mountain view

Getting engaged with the love of your life is exciting. But, after receiving congratulatory messages and gifts from friends and family, it’s time to get down to business. First, you must start thinking about what planning style works for you, how much you and your spouse-to-be are willing to spend, the location, and other related factors.

wedding day table decor, reception with a view

Then comes the hard part—coordinating all the vendors, stylists, and guests. Simply contemplating all these issues can quickly elevate your stress levels, which is why I want to share what I have learned about when to hire a wedding planner with you.

Let’s get started.


What Are Wedding Planners, and What Do They Do?