
Do You Dare To Shop on Black Friday?


Well far be it from me to pass up a good sale, but this Black Friday I decided to get into the Christmas Spirit by going to a Black Friday with no other agenda except to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere. It was great, I ran into a few friends, soaked in the sights and actually managed to NOT buy anything (of course that trend didn’t last through the next day). 🙂

Here are some fun shots I took on my Black Friday!

First things first: Canon is Better than Nikon :-p

Tom and Kerianne – cutest couple in the entire mall!

Really now, who can ever resist playing with the puppies?? Just don’t tell my puppy Tico I was cheating on him!!

The Carousel – one of my favorite places to go as a child.

About Vanessa Joy

Weaving together moments of intimacy and grandeur to create alluring, romantic, and moving portraits.

Vanessa Joy is a highly sought-after wedding photographer known for her stunning imagery and artistic vision. She is internationally recognized for her exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to her craft. From elegantly composed photographs to a seamless blending of timeless sophistication and modern flair, Vanessa Joy's work has captivated audiences worldwide. 

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